Raissa Fahlman
Raissa holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from Stony Brook University where she studied with renowned clarinettist Alan Kay, and received her Master of Music degree at the Koninklijk Conservatorium in The Hague, under the tutelage of world class Dutch clarinettist Pierre Woudenberg. At the invitation of the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Raissa completed two long term independent music residencies as a soloist and chamber musician.
A Canadian native, Raissa has been sponsored by the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, receiving the individual artist project grant in music on multiple occasions. Raissa has performed at some of the finest venues all around the world; Canada, China, Europe, and the United States—including New York’s Carnegie Hall. Raissa regularly performs in the New York area with various chamber music and small jazz groups, and gives concerts as a featured soloist.